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Build complex and data-rich applications using a growing list of advanced React components, like the Data Grid, Date and Time Pickers, Charts, and more!

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The world's best product teams trust MUI to deliver an unrivaled experience for both developers and users.

Advanced React component library

Powerful components for advanced use cases

The MUI X packages can power complex and data-intensive applications across a wide spectrum of use cases.

Data GridFast, feature-rich data table.View the docs Fast, feature-rich data table.
Date and Time PickersA suite of components for selecting dates, times, and ranges.View the docs A suite of components for selecting dates, times, and ranges.
ChartsA collection of data visualization graphs, including bar, line, pie, scatter, and more.View the docs A collection of data visualization graphs, including bar, line, pie, scatter, and more.
Tree ViewDisplay hierarchical data, such as a file system navigator.View the docs Display hierarchical data, such as a file system navigator.

Data Grid

A level of performance and quality that hasn't been seen before

The MUI X Data Grid is a data table powerhouse. It is packed with exclusive features that will enrich the experience of dealing with and maintaining lots of data.

EditingSelectionSortingPaginationFilteringMuch more
  columns={[ // column definition example
      field: 'name',
      headerName: 'Name',
      editable: true,
      sortable: true,
      filterable: true,

The Data Grid and all other MUI X components are available on free and paid plans. Find more details about each plan and its features are on the pricing page.


Advanced and beautiful

Use sophisticated theming features to make the MUI X components look exactly how you want. Take this Data Grid as an example.

Custom themeTheming allows you to use your brand's design tokens, easily making the components reflect its look and feel.Material DesignEvery component comes with Google's tried-and-tested design system, built-in and ready for use.


Available with MIT and commercial licenses

MUI X components are available under two licenses: MIT for the free community version, and commercial for Pro and Premium plans.

Community version

Free forever. This version contains features that we believe are maintainable by contributions from the open-source community.

Pro plan

More advanced capabilities such as multi-filtering, multi-sorting, and more for the Data Grid; as well as the other components.

Premium plan

The most advanced features for every component, including row grouping and Excel export for the Data Grid, plus everything included in the Pro plan.


Follow the MUI X roadmap for future updates

It's just the beginning for the MUI X components. Stay tuned for exciting news and updates coming soon!

See the roadmap
Data GridDate and Time PickersChartsTree View
Work in progress
Data Grid


Charts integration

And more!
Tree View


Drag and Drop

Future components
SparklineRich Text EditorUploadSchedulerGauge